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We are thinkers, doers and makers of memorable places.
We find deeper ways to connect to the users by identifying their aspirations, culture and expectations, and then, create experiences to inspire.
We lead from experience, execute for maximum impact and
focus on outcomes of an enduring quality for both the user and investor.


Making a Difference
At Boulevard Properties we are passionate about making a lasting contribution to community. We deliver more by redefining what’s possible. We make a difference by delivering for tomorrow, today. Our personal values and professional goals reinforce each other, providing cohesion between business and our desire to make the world a better place.

Fueled by our global practice of three decades, we have explored, deconstructed and evolved our understanding of making extraordinary places and cultivating universal principles for urban living. We thoroughly understand that we must always start with the user experience and then craft place. The other way never works.

We practice in five core areas: global business and strategic planning, executive management, company operations and organizational development, investment capital souring and structuring and mega-scale project development and city-making. We are real estate development pioneers and industry leaders in creating experience based urban places that integrate live, work, learn, play and shopping communities. We are guided by the principles of “Whole Living,” which we have developed over several decades of practice and global observation. With a history of leadership, vision and strategic execution we have completed developments for over 60 projects in the USA and globally and in addition, created numerous business platforms, international partnerships, participating in over 100 real estate developments world-wide. Our past and current projects, serve as a testament for excellence and demonstrate our unique experience in original solutions for emerging global trends.

What sets us apart is innovation, leadership and years of practice that we bring to our global partnerships and alliances. We continue to explore trends globally and evolve our thinking to make our work more meaningful to the user and we thoroughly understand, that by taking care of our user, you also take care of the investor.

Delivering More by Redefining What’s Possible
We deliver pioneering global leadership and valued solutions with our partners and alliances by applying an unrivaled depth and breath of capabilities in five core competencies:

◊ Global Business and Strategic Planning
In collaborations with regional partners and alliances, our practice brings extraordinary insight to global real estate business platforms and mega-projects. We have exceptional experience globally. We participate in complicated multidisciplinary business problems and with complex mega-scale projects world-wide. We understand the influence of political, business and cultural differences between San Francisco and New York, and from Shanghai to Riyadh. We have shaped our practice to focus on utilizing our core principles and industry fundamentals and metrics, universal to any region. We craft solutions to address the unique qualities of regional culture and place.

We have a track record of initiating real estate business start-ups, partnerships, alliances and division’s worldwide. With a fully integrated approach and global network of top-tier talent, we establish a business and strategic plan to meet innovative results and achievable objectives. We carefully evaluate global trends, markets, business and cultural methods, partnerships, capacity, financial models and property opportunities that maximize value and optimize sustainable development success. Moreover, with three decades of experience we’ve gained expansive world knowledge in emerging trends, best and beyond best practices, markets and world-class talent. We understand the dynamics that affect our markets, and our experience allows us to access a depth of expertise to establish an effective plan for success.

◊ Global Executive Management
With a highly disciplined hands-on approach we leverage our multi-disciplinary global teams to achieve outstanding results. We build and lead inclusive and diverse teams of professional people, capabilities and perspectives. We are uniquely positioned to perform globally. Our years of real estate experience in the North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and more recently, in Africa and Central American markets provide us with the sensibilities to effectively manage and plan in diverse cultures and emerging markets worldwide. Moreover, our team has been involved in well over 100 real estate development projects from business and strategic planning, company formation and operations, deal and partnership structuring, investment and finance modeling, due diligence, acquisition, development execution and operations. We have a consistent proven track record of success and our management record speaks for itself with consistent leadership in internationally recognized mega-developments.

◊ Company Operations and Organizational Development
We build organizations and manage company operations from the top line, and know that the bottom line will follow. Our opportunities and key result (OKR) performances drive our success in realizing vision, strategy and execution and know that establishing the timely and effective organization and operations is central to our success. For outstanding results we know that team structuring, organizational development and collaborative participation serve as a critical vehicle to achieve this goal. We strive to be the best in everything we do and we understand that valuing our people and partners, by challenging the accepted norms, and by looking beyond best practices that we consistently bring innovative solutions that lead to user wellbeing and sustainable profitability. These are truly exceptional outcomes.

◊ Pioneering Mega-Scale Development & City-Making
It’s our intent to make a meaningful and lasting impact on our cities and achieve superior economic results. We know that these goals are, today more than ever, inescapably linked. There is little doubt that the twenty-first century will continue to bring much change to our cities and neighborhoods. For the first time in the history of humanity, a majority of the world population now lives in urban locations and by 2050 it’s projected that the urban population alone will exceed a population of over 6 billion people, nearly 70 percent of the total world population. The annual population growth, moving from rural to urban locations, is therefore projected to grow at an average rate of 43 million people per year. The majority of this population is wired and connected to the internet.

The new urban paradigm is no longer about shopping malls, downtown office cubicles, narrowly defined housing, but rather focused on “experience based” living and integrated, compact and walkable environments. This transformative trend has been recognized by Boulevard Properties for decades and is now being embraced by companies and government agencies globally. The real estate industry now recognizes that technology, urban growth and changing consumer expectations are driving rapid change to integrate urban places. We are pleased to be a pioneer and leader in reinventing the future today.

The process of technological integration in cities is inevitable and in response to this change it’s vital for us to simultaneously rethink and evolve our urban communities. We are committed to providing partnership leadership to challenge and provide an extraordinary and creative solutions for people. Our core principles reveal that urban integrated districts are more than ever a superior response to our changing times.

We are uniquely positioned to craft and deliver an outstanding development results with a superior return on investment. We are recognized industry leaders in real estate development of large-scale mixed-use projects exemplified by a history of experience in mega-developments. The global trend towards fully integrated urban experience based compact, walkable communities was born from the leadership of a few over twenty years ago. We are proud to be part of that pioneering leadership with internationally recognized mega-scale developments such as: Santana Row and Treasure Island. Today this movement has become the global trend in urban development and city-making. Moreover, we have been successful in gaining entitlements for some of the most controversial and complex projects in the history of communities world-wide. To accomplish this we are committed to critical strategic thinking, collaboration, constant study of global trends, extraordinary attention to detail, assembly of top-tier global talent, analytical rigor and careful execution. Our success in development is underpinned by our passion for innovation and global experience. We thrive on raising the bar to establish new benchmarks of excellence world-wide.

◊ Investment Capital Sourcing & Structuring
We are driven by a passion to provide investors with sustainable returns and the best possible opportunities in the market. Bringing together an unparalleled multi-discipline team of professionals to world-wide locations, we are uniquely positioned to identify, craft and capitalize on unique investments to achieved significant success. We are committed to a disciplined investment model, an absolute return on investment, and a value-driven sustainable investment strategy to achieve capital appreciation for the investors. To achieve our goals we approach each project and phased development as a unique and sustainable investment. Built on a foundation of viable investment criteria and leading-edge solutions, we utilize international underwriting standards to attract a network of relationships and global capital resources. Our management professionals apply their multi-disciplinary expertise to underwrite projects to meet investment goals that ultimately define success.


















We’re passionate about excellence